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Strange feeling already, but I am restless. We have lived in this house longer than we managed in the last one. Most of the boxes are unpacked and it is just the place where we live now, not a new house, or a refuge or anything else. So yesterday, we had our present day (more on that later) and then after dinner, I just got so restless. I hitched the dog up and we went off to explore the neighbourhood. It was a good walk, and I’m looking forward to doing it again.

But still, here I sit. I’m almost jumpy. I don’t know if it’s because it’s been calm for a while and I’m worried where the next “storm” in our lives is coming from, or if it’s because we have grand plans for our lives that I’m waiting to get started on.

I’m simply restless….Happy Crafting - Cassie.

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  1. AmyK

    So… will you live in this place until the old place is fixed up? Or is this your place now? I imagine I would feel restless too, after what you’ve been through! (((hugs)))

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