Wow. 2010.

posted in: home, Photography | 4

Ok, I suppose I’d better get on the bandwagon of all the new year posts. Actually maybe I am a little overdue ๐Ÿ˜‰ but the christmas season is the busiest time of the year in a photo shop, so most of my december was work work work and then for a bit of variety, sleep. Not celebrating christmas myself means that I spent that weekend catching up on sleep, and getting things straightened out at home due to too much work and not enough time here doing all the regular stuff. But things are settling down now, and the school holidays continue.

We’re playing it low-key these holidays. Hoping to go to the movies next week maybe, and I’ve got the boys booked in for some awesome school holiday activities next week and the week after. They have cost me a fortune, but they should be worth every cent. A workshop on darkroom’s and real photography, and another on flash animation. And today we went to the local video store, craft store, and op shops on a low budget entertainment binge.

Meanwhile, we have a glorious pot roast in the slow cooker in the laundry. We’re heading for yet another insane heatwave, and the slow cooker and the kitchen and hot weather leave us all gasping for air. So we decieded to give the laundry a go! It still smells awesome. I’ll have to give you a taste report later on.

So what else is going on? Not a lot really. Actually a whole lot of nothing lately.

Earlier in december it was our anniversary, which is officially present day around here. Unusually, it was *skip* who got spoilt this year, I bought him lots and lots. But I guess I already got spoilt earlier this year with my 5D, several new lenses, and an iPhone, which I really REALLY love. So my gifts were a little more low-key, but very thoughtful. A candle that I adore from dusk. A desk calendar for the year full of motivational and happy quotes. My wii fit updated software, and the EA sports active to go with it. And best of all, a gift to go visit the Cheetah’s at Monarto Zoo. I have loved Cheetahs with a passion, most of all the big cats since I was pretty young. So this is the ultimate in gifts I think.

Best of all though, was this little surprise.

*skip* snapped this photo of me and the boys…. originally it was showing off a new present, but I cropped it just down to us. It’s the nicest photo I’ve ever had taken with my sons. Let’s ignore the fact they are now 10 and 12, shall we!?! Actually I can’t believe that this photo is already a month old!

This shot now has pride of place on the fridge, and also hangs at ย eyelevel above my desk at work, so everyday, it makes me smile. Now I just need to get the perfect photo of me and *skip* and my life will be complete!

So hopefully having such a wonderful photo will encourage me to actually SCRAP something! As lately life has been a little less about scrapping and a bit more about “stuff”.

Oh, and we mustn’t forget my Etsy Obsession. Which is growing daily. I’m currently shopping up a little storm for Charli and Madison, and their soon-to-be baby brother who is due to join us by the end of January! Very exciting! I hope that will get my camera going alright, although their Dad is more than skilled enough to get some awesome photos of them for me to steal ๐Ÿ˜‰ I’m also knitting a white fluffy cocoon for him, so I can take photos of him in it. If you haven’t seen this sort of photos, you’ll have to google it, or take my word for it. Amazing stuff. Let’s hope he’s nice and co-operative and not at all camera shy ๐Ÿ˜‰

Ok, so that will do for an update I think. I’d better not leave it so long next time ๐Ÿ˜‰

Happy Crafting - Cassie.

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4 Responses

  1. slamdunk

    Having a photo that you love with your kids (without them doing something silly) is priceless. We are still working on our image…

  2. Carol

    An absolutely gorgeous photograph Cassie, no wonder you love it so much. Your boys have smiles that are infectious, I’m smiling right alongside them here now looking at it.

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