Ok, lets face it, we’re all just big kids at heart!
*skip* and I took the boys to the movies after dinner this evening. A bit of a late session, but we had a free ticket to use, and it was the only session after he got home. We went to see Wallace & Gromit. I wouldn’t say that I laughed myself silly, but I did thoroughly enjoy it. I like the creators sense of humour, and it’s definitely crafted to appeal to a very wide audience – adult jokes as well as kids ones. Sam was too tired afterward (and too full of lollies if truth be told) and got very cranky, but Tyson had a great time.
And thus, the school holidays begin. 2 weeks of lazy sleep ins, and fights over the tv/computer/bike/pencils. Aaaah the serenity. Sorry, that’s a “The Castle” joke. Very funny movie. If you’ve seen it, you get the joke, if you haven’t SHAME SHAME SHAME. Go and rent it right away!!
We love our movies actually. We have so many favourites, and we love to watch the kids ones with them too. *skip* and I can quote quite a lot of most movies actually, although he’s quicker at recognising people from other movies/shows than I am. I however, usually know their NAME, which is a skill in it’s own right. Well, come on. I’ve got to win occasionally, don’t I?
I was in a photo swap with a very talented designer (and co-owner I might add) at ScrapArtist this week. Michelle did a MARVELLOUS job with the photos I sent her of Tyson and Sam, and I had to share them with you.
She’s one heck of a talented designer and scrapper. Blew me away! She used her own Grungy Boy kit for most of the papers, and the tag runner and tied ribbons are from an upcoming kit, a sneak preview so to speak.
Thanks Michelle, we love it! Think I’ll have to frame this one!
Well, my cold’s GETTING better (hooray) but I have a sore throat still and it’s late. Night night!
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Becky P.
Oooh – that is a beautiful layout! Lucky you. 🙂
What a delightful “countryfeel” with this layout. I love the soft muted colours and the stronger link with Sam and Tyson Great work!!!!!
Make that MIG.