Sorry to have vanished in more ways than one lately. Last you heard from me, we had moved and were just settling into our new home. Thursday, 6th of December 2007 at about 5.30pm, this happened.
Oh, that doesn’t look so bad now, does it?
Now, that’s more like it!
This is just plain scary, and I can hear the roof creaking. Can we get out of here?
We have been staying with friends, and are now just winding up moving, AGAIN, to a new house until the other one is repaired. It was two weeks ago tonight.
The boys and I were IN the house when it happened. Sam was sitting drawing on the chair in the final photo…. you can see all the broken glass around him. We got out without a scratch. I know that someone was looking after us. I actually watched it falling on us through the window, and really did spend the next 2 or 3 days not finishing sentences and generally trying to reboot my brain. It’s been a wild scary ride, with many moments of wishing that it never happened, but we’re moving on now. Things are just so busy with moving again, we haven’t had time to sit around and pity ourselves.
So that’s it. I’m inching my way back into some sort of normal routine. It’s crazy season at work, and the boys are on holidays, my mother has had a knee replacement last week and our life just continues on. I’ll try to catch up with everyone as soon as possible!
Go hug your loved ones, and a tree if you dare! 🙂
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Oh my goodness … look how close that came to Sam!!! Hope he isn’t having nightmares … second thoughts, hope YOU aren’t having nightmares either! So glad you are all safe … welcome back, we have missed you!!! 🙂
Sandi :)
Great to hear from you again, pity it is with such shocking news.
Thank goodness you are all ok. I can’t even begin to imagine what it must have been like watching that huge tree fall………..scary would be an understatement.
I hope your life settles down quickly & you can enjoy life hopefully back in the house soon.
Have a great Christmas.
Sandi 🙂
Oh Cassie, that is so so scary!!!! I am so glad you were all okay and not physically hurt. What an experience! I hope that the clean up is quick and that you guys are able to move into your home and settle down soon! (((hugs))))
I’m so glad you’re all ok!!! That must have been so scary! I hope you are all settled in soon.
O God Cassie!! I am so glad that you and the boys are safe, what a close call!
I’ll be keeping you all in my thoughts! Take care!!
Oh my goodness! that is a horrible sight in photos and I am sure it is even less pretty in person. I’m so glad none of you were hurt and that you have had a place to stay.
Wow. Very scary! We had a huge limb fall on our house once, but not through it. Can only imagine how crazy it all was for you. So glad to hear you all are doing OK now. (((((huge hugs))))