Chickens on a sunny afternoon…

Sorry for a little bit of absence around here, I’ve been a bit distracted and stressed. This past week in particular saw me surviving on 2 nights of about 3 or 4 hours sleep. It was pretty rough. However, we have had a delightful couple of days here, despite the official start of winter! Lots of sunshine, and we were able to let the chickens out to make the most of it, as well as make a start weeding the main part of the garden. This is also where the remains of our huge bale of pea-straw have been moved to, so you can guess what held their attention most of the time!

That is, until today when they discovered a lovely patch of soft loose dirt where we were working on our drainage issues. At first I thought they were simply scratching around in there, but they were making such funny noises that I had to pay closer attention. This is the first time I have ever witnessed them dust bathing. Their run area has been muddy for so long, I don’t think they have been able to do it lately, but the contented noises and napping were total reward. They were in there at least 20 minutes and were very happy when they got out. One chicken spa treatment, successful!! If you’ve never seen a chicken dust-bath I can totally recommend it. They stretch and roll around like a cat that’s suddenly grown feathers, it’s very relaxing to watch really.

Meanwhile, the garden seems to be surviving the continued frosts of the mornings. The broad beans, climbing peas, snow peas are all growing strongly, and the Tatsoi, Silverbeet, Lettuce seedlings and Broccoli are all surviving. I really need to get some coriander and some herbs going now. We are already planning for our garden expansion of 2 more boxes heading in to summer, we are looking forward to what we will grow next!

And thanks to some help from my marvellous Acupuncturist/Chinese Herbal Medicine I am hoping that there will be some more health improvements in my future, and I’m looking forward to getting my paints and mixed media gear out and getting my paint on! AND finishing off my poor grey quilt. Baby steps though 😉Happy Crafting - Cassie.

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