Or should that be, a red egg day?
We had, as previously discussed, resigned ourselves to not having any eggs from our 4 lovely girls until the end of winter, when the days would get longer. They are around 30-32 weeks old now, we have had them for 10 weeks, and have watched, especially over the last few weeks, them come into full maturity. However, we figured that they hadn’t beat the daylight thing, and so that eggs would still be some way off….
However, they have been much noisier of late, lots of crooning, bokking and quite a few egg songs. (If you don’t know what an egg song sounds like, go look it up on youtube. It’s awesome!) So it was obvious that they were beginning to feel their hormones kicking in.
We had been keeping up their calcium (via green leaves and ground egg shells) as well as their protein with their afternoon porridge and yoghurt. Mainly because we take as good a care of any animals in our home as we can, and they had grown sooooo much lately, they had to be needing all this extra nutrition.
However, apparently that paid off yesterday, when DS2 went down with their afternoon tea and was absolutely blown away to find…..
Of course, as expected it’s pretty tiny, but seems to have a nice thick shell – under the mud!
Our likely suspects – Naomi who was always that much bigger and readier than the others, and Rahab, who has caught up to her sister so much that we almost can’t tell them apart anymore.
That one little egg has been passed around, text messaged, and danced about rather excitedly.
So you can imagine our shock and surprise this morning…..
IN the coop this time…. but still not in the nest box. However it did make for a much cleaner egg for sure….
Still pretty small
While we were down there working this afternoon, DS2 got the camera a got a couple of lovely shots of the girls. He’s learning fast considering he’s using a high end DSLR with a Prime lens.
He snapped this one of Rebekah, being held by yours truly. We had a breakout in the chicken run on Wednesday, and after some sage advice from a friend, we have started to forcibly catch two of the chickens, namely Rahab and Rebekah. They are going to learn to like us if it kills them! Which I nearly did after I found all the damage that one of them had done to my garden bed while I was out.
As you can see, Rebekah isn’t as mature as the others yet. She’s the one I have been most worried about growth wise, but worming them a few weeks ago seems to have picked up her condition marvellously. Won’t be long and we will be getting 4 cackle-berries every morning!! So there you go. Winter, or no winter, we must be doing something right. Now to plan what we will do with our 3 teeny little 45gm eggs. It has to be something spectacular and I think that Buttermilk Pancakes is the current vote-winner in the family.
I will report back on the final result hopefully tomorrow!
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How wonderful! Congratulations!!