Wow, sorry that I have taken so long to post the final instalment in our holiday photos…. I was struck down with the current local virus, and it’s a heck of a thing. I was really sick for 3 days, then, feeling heaps better, over-did it on day 4. Of course, that meant that I was then down for round 2, which took over a week. I’m only just starting to feel human again and sleep through the night (well, as much as my migraines let me sleep anyway) and yay for the cold sore at the end of the tunnel. All the more reason to remember some gorgeous weather and amazing scenery.
The central coast of New South Wales isn’t somewhere I’ve spent a lot of time in my travelling childhood – my parents always made a bee-line for more northerly climes, seeking the warmth. However, this holiday house, found by chance and taken on a whim, proved to be the most amazing holiday experience we’ve ever had. There’s something to be said for renting a whole house – with the kitchen, dishwasher and laundry facilities that implies. It’s great to have a proper home base to come back to after a day of exploring, and the king sized bed was a real luxury!

South Durras is a tiny little community, nestled between the Pacific Ocean and a large swathe of National Park and rainforest. There are mountains, and trees, and beaches, and lots and lots of wildlife. Kangaroos in everyone’s front yard, birds from dawn to dusk, and amazing sunrises over the beach. Because of the mountain range to the west, dusk fell early, but rain or shine, the scenery was magnificent!
And if you’re lucky, there’s dolphins in the waves…..

The sound of the waves is ever present, and the early morning sunrise over the ocean is definitely worth losing some sleep. The beach was a 5 minute walk away, and mostly deserted during the winter season when we were there. Swimming was not for us, however, just the lure of the ocean – crashing waves, the rocks to climb, and the seashells to collect, was enough to drain away a lot of tension. This holiday was, as a happy coincidence, a couple of weeks after my car accident, and less than 2 months after my mother passed away tragically and unexpectedly. I loved my morning walks, where my head just unwound and let it all float away on the tides.
The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears or the sea.
– Isak Dinesen.
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