I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating, quilty sisters are the best sisters!! I know I’ve posted a few times about the gifts that I have been making and sending out, but I would be remiss if I didn’t share with you some of the awesome gifts that I’ve been receiving.
Firstly, from Julie during her visit earlier this month.
This was just the most incredible bag of goodness! Handcrafted goodies, fabric (Joel and Tula and Scrumptious oh my!), lots of chocolate, and of course my amazing bee block.
By amazingly strange coincidence, Julie has a thing for Sussex chickens, just like me! She made this amazing chook in memory of my beautiful Rahab who we lost earlier this year. She hangs in my sewing studio now, keeping watch over me.
Julie is the original secret squirrel in our bee…. so I was looking carefully through the presents to find where he was hiding. Thanks for the encouragement Julie, I keep it up where it reminds me every time I start to doubt!
Julie and I are also tea fiends…. she made me this beautiful tea bag holder out of Tula Pink (another obsession we have in common). It’s just perfect!
Finally, my Cordelia’s Garden block. Also featuring Tula pink… this one is so light and fresh. I’m loving how everyone is interpreting my “analogous colours” for this quilt. It’s going to be an amazing colour wheel when it’s finished.
Secondly, a couple of weeks ago I received a fabulous package from Jess.
She made the most radiant Cordelia’s Garden block for me….. featuring one of my favourite designers, Kate Spain and her splendid dragonflies. She also included the requisite chocolate (I think we all have chocoholic issues)…. and some fabulous sewing/patchwork related keep calm fabric. I have put that aside carefully, I need the perfect project to use it on!
However, the most spectacular part of her parcel was this…..
Knowing that I am slightly obsessed with all things Tula Pink, and that I also have grand plans to make a swoon quilt out of it, she gave me a head start with the most gorgeous Tula Pink swoon mini. I just adore the fussy cut centre with the bee and bird. I pinned it straight up onto the wall in the sewing room and I just love to look at it every day!
I am so glad that I got involved in this bee, seeing all the different talents and amazing things that these wonderful women create is inspiring me every day!!
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Angie @ GnomeAngel.com
Quilty peeps are definitely the best. You’ve given some amazing gifts and received some great ones too. 🙂
There is so much joy in crafting something for someone else. The whole time you are making it, you think of how the other person might use it, and then you get to give it to them and see their happy reaction. It’s great!
Oh my goodness I must’ve missed your photos of what Jess sent you. That Swoon mini is just stunning!!!!!!!!! Absolutely beautiful post, brought tears to my eyes. I’ll never forget how I felt when I opened their parcels, both these girls totally blew me away with their generosity! I may not have much of a family but the Quilty Sisters makes up for everything. So much love in our sisterhood! Mwah xoxo
Right back at you gorgeous girl!! xxx