Saturday Stash – 22nd November 2014

Have you succumbed to the lure of Massdrop yet? It’s a group buying platform that allows you to get access to better prices than you otherwise would on your own. They have a crafting section which has had some great deals on thread, batting, fabric, patterns and tools as well! My latest Massdrop purchase was for two bundles of the newest quilting sensation, Cotton & Steel!


There was an option for four different colour bundles, neutrals, berry, blues or greens. I would have gotten the blues, but they were sold out by the time I decided to take the plunge. So, ever the practical person, I got 2 bundles of neutrals instead.

Edited-2092Edited-2093They are absolutely lush! The patterns are simple geometrics that will work with anything, and there is even a hint of metallic print to add a bit of sparkle to any quilting project. I was so excited to get these – even with shipping they were a bargain price and much cheaper than we could otherwise get in Australia, where fabric is sold at a premium.

If you haven’t tried Massdrop yet, you should check it out. You might get a bargain like I did!

{Disclaimer. The links provided are affiliate links and I may benefit from you clicking on them. However all purchases and opinions are most definitely my own!}

 Happy Crafting - Cassie.

Please be aware that there may be affiliate links in this content. Your support allows me to keep creating for you!

4 Responses

  1. Natasha Renstead

    Oh I have succumbed recently…now waiting on my pink wonder clips and Alison Glass Handcrafted to arrive!

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