Quilting studio renovation – Week 7

posted in: home, Juicy Quilting, Quilting | 6

It was a very busy week in the Juicy Quilting studio. We are down to the pointy end of the renovation and I’m starting to look forward to moving Winnie and all my fabrics into the wonderful new home.


Quilting studio renovation Quilting studio renovation Quilting studio renovation Quilting studio renovation


The plasterer came back and finished off all the cornice, flushing and sanding. Simultaneously the electrician spent a couple of hours hooking up my power points and my shiny light fittings.


Quilting studio renovation Quilting studio renovation



The builder replaced the old galvanised sheets around the door that were rusted or dented with shiny new sheets – ready for my beautiful outside light to be put up. He suggested we buy a nice outside light and a sensor separately, which turned out to be genius advice. This way when I run out to the studio for a late night sewing session, I won’t be fumbling around in the dark. As this is both the studio entrance and our main driveway, it’s been fantastic to have the light pop on when we come home at night.


Quilting studio renovation Quilting studio renovation



You can get a sneak peek here at the next two stages – painting which will just be lots of boring but vital white, and laying this beautiful laminate timber floor down. I can’t wait to see it all shiny and fresh, ready to be filled with fabric and quilty goodness.


Only a few weeks left before I officially open up the Juicy Quilting studio! Have you signed up for the mailing list? I will be putting out a once only offer for the founding studio members, to get it you need to have your name down before the launch!



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Happy Crafting - Cassie.

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6 Responses

  1. Janine

    It’s looking great Cassie, so excited for you! 🙂 Are you going to have an opening celebration?

    • Cassandra

      Thanks so much Janine. Online, yes, I may even consider a small party if I’m not completely exhausted after setting it all up!! Time will tell 😉

  2. Ali

    It’s all looking really great…can’t beat great lighting! I’d love to come and see it all irl when it’s finished and looking really purdy! x

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