Quilting studio renovation – Week 10

posted in: Juicy Quilting, Quilting, Winnie | 2

As we have hit double digits, I am so excited to report that the final countdown is ON. As of this week I am packing boxes full of fabric, thread and patterns, ready to start setting up the studio of my dreams.

If you had told me that we would have gone from the most hideous 70s apple green room, plus something that was scorched, falling down and full of filth, to such an incredible light and airy space in a few short months, I would have laughed at you. Honestly, I would have. But with a lot of hard work and a bit of professional help, this dream is coming true. We learnt a few new skills along the way and with a lot of sweat and sacrificed hours by my fabulous hard working husband, moving day is rapidly approaching.


Quilting studio renovation Quilting studio renovation


Last week saw the installation of nearly all the trims, skirting, the new door and doorway (which we had to take off to paint lol). Only the frame around the old window in the sewing studio is left to build and paint. We spent the whole weekend siliconing, spak filling, and painting, painting, painting again. But it was oh so amazing to see the transformation taking place.


Quilting studio renovation Quilting studio renovation


Although now that everything is fresh and painted, I see that poor shabby old door into the shed and it’s been targetted for the painting hit list. All I need to do is work out what colour to paint it! Maybe a bright daffodil yellow?

I hate to sound like a broken record, but I don’t want anyone to miss out…. if you haven’t signed up for my Juicy Quilting newsletter yet, you might want to run and do it. When I announce the studio is open, that’s it, the list of founding members is closed. It costs nothing to join, but you will get special offers and ongoing deals for quilting services, and all sorts of goodies along the way.

Do yourself a favour and take 30 seconds to sign up if you’ve got any thought of sending a quilt over to me for some Juicy Quilting!


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 Happy Crafting - Cassie.

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