Quilting studio renovation – Week 10
As we have hit double digits, I am so excited to report that the final countdown is ON. As of this week I am packing boxes full of fabric, thread and patterns, ready to start setting up the studio of … Continued
As we have hit double digits, I am so excited to report that the final countdown is ON. As of this week I am packing boxes full of fabric, thread and patterns, ready to start setting up the studio of … Continued
I can’t believe I am linking up another finish for this quarter of the year. Having a list of goals is great motivation to keep things ticking over. I would highly recommend joining in for the final quarter of the … Continued
I am so happy to have yet another finish under my belt for this quarter. I kept this quilt on the quiet because it was a (somewhat belated) gift for DH’s new niece, however now that they have received it … Continued
Another finished and photographed quilt to share! This was the first ever quilt that I put on Winnie – it had been hiding in the pile of unquilted tops since June last year, which seemed long enough for it to … Continued
Just a really quick update this week I’m afraid. Poor builder John was out sick for the entire week, he has come down with this terrible virus that has been making the rounds. He dragged himself over on Saturday because … Continued
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