Winter in the Garden
So, what’s been happening out in the garden since the attack of the Chicken-zilla’s? Not much for a while, I needed some time to cool off I think. However last weekend I was inspired to get some dirt under my … Continued
So, what’s been happening out in the garden since the attack of the Chicken-zilla’s? Not much for a while, I needed some time to cool off I think. However last weekend I was inspired to get some dirt under my … Continued
Greetings everyone. Warm welcomes to all my new readers as well, I’ve had a lot of you suddenly. Welcome to my little random home on the interwebs, where I talk excessively about my chickens and the 2 million random things … Continued
I was so happy today that the rain stopped. Finally. Thick fog for the morning, but puffy white clouds and a drying breeze. The mud in the backyard is at the slippery, stinky stage and I’m officially over it. This … Continued
Were the scenes that reached my eyes after my morning out today. 3 dastardly chickens had broken into my baby vegie patch, and had a couple of hours of fun, totally destroying it. The only things that will survive their … Continued
We had some friends pop in last night for a cuppa, after their dinner, but before ours. They were fascinated by my cooking antics in the kitchen, and were completely astonished to learn that I was making my own natural … Continued
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