Continuing on with the Simply Retro Challenge with Sharon, as well as some new faces this month, Leonie and Angie, the quilt pattern chosen for this month by yours truly is Playground.
I hoped to use up a couple of charm packs I had bought of the funky Pezzy print, however on reading the directions again at the start of the month, I realised that I was seriously short of fabric. Never fear, internet shopping to the rescue and I bought some more. It took a few days to arrive, and then we were in business. Apart from the pesky business of migraines and the like getting in the way.
As a slightly unusual touch, I thought I would try the steel grey as background instead of the traditional white. I’m aiming for a much more masculine look for this quilt, and I’m interested to see where it takes me.
I did manage to steal a few hours away and cut and pinned all the half square triangles. I managed to get through chain-stitching them all up before bed called again… which is where they have sat for the past few days. Hopefully I can get them trimmed and start laying the blocks out, especially considering that cheeky Sharon got a head start on this months quilt and she had it finished by April 2nd.
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So, has Angie chosen the project for May? I promise I won’t make it before the new month ticks over … 😉
Angela @ Cottage Magpie
Can’t wait to see how it turns out! 🙂 ~Angela~