Have you ever had a quilt design, block, or colour combination just keep popping up in your mind over and over? You see it everywhere, on instagram, on blogs, you even find it in your dreams! Today’s book review is one of those blocks.
Pineapple blocks have been following me around, I swear! I kept seeing them, so I did some research and came up with a grand dream of using up all my scraps in a marvellous multicoloured “history of everything” pineapple quilt. Which may still happen of course.
Meanwhile, for more inspiration and instruction, there is this book. Fresh Pineapple Possibilities by Jane Hall and Dixie Haywood. If you look carefully, you can probably pick up a copy at your local Spotlight for $4.99, as I did.
This book is certainly fresh to me, it takes pineapples from the 19th century and heirloom quilts, and shows you how they can look very modern. DS2, who has already made his first patchwork cushion, has claimed this book for some sewing projects of his own!
The beauty of a pineapple block is that you can use some seriously ugly fabrics and they are lost in the overall pattern. This book is great for showing both coloured and fabric versions of designs, so you get a real feel for how it all goes together.
Offset pineapples!! This just blew my mind. I am really excited by all the possibilities that I can see in this book, and where your creativity may take you next.
So, are pineapple blocks the hot new trend? I vote YES! have your say in the comments.
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