I have a beautifully bright book to share with you this month – Modern Rainbow: 14 Imaginative Quilts That Play with Color by Rebecca Bryan of Bryan House Quilts.
Right from the very start, this book is full of colour and just plain fun. Of course I am speaking as someone who loves colour, the more the better.
As is expected these days, Rebecca covers the basics of patchwork and piecing.
She also has a comprehensive section on how to craft your rainbow quilts with prints or solid fabrics, and how to customise your rainbow. Hate red? No problem, you can just make a quilt without it!
The patterns are broken into three sections:
Modern Traditional Quilts, Modern Quilts, and Improvisational Quilts. I was quite surprised to learn that my two favourite quilts, the cover star, Wavelength, and Rainbow Remix were actually created improvisationally.
They are exciting, dynamic compositions that play the best parts of colour against each other. I love how Rebecca has blended the colours together through the diamonds of Wavelength, and the subtle disharmony of colour in Rainbow Remix is, for me, what takes the design up a level.
Rebecca doesn’t leave anything out of this book – including cutting instructions that give you the option of scrappy fabric cutting or cutting from yardage. That’s a feature that should be included in more patterns as I don’t always have the yardage I ought to, but I want to make the quilt!
This was a library copy, but I was so instantly inspired by it that I have now bought my own. Who doesn’t love a good rainbow? The best part is that the patterns are so versatile, you could use them for more limited rainbows as well, such as a pastel rainbow, or even just the cool or warm colours from the spectrum arranged in a beautiful gradation.
So my verdict is obviously yes on Modern Rainbow by Rebecca Bryan
. Have you seen it yet? If you ever have an idea for a book review, I’m open to suggestions!
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