So, as we saw yesterday, I have been tackling free motion quilting. The reason why I chose such a challenging piece of fabric was because it was destined to be a gift for my DS2. I had already bought a cushion inner, and simply needed to sew it up.
I used a piece of patchwork fabric as a backing, cutting it several inches longer than the pillow front, then cutting that piece in thirds Press and stitch a double hem on the two cut edges, making sure that the hem on the larger piece is wide enough to hold your buttonhole. I prefer buttons on very plump cushions, because 1, I hate zips, 2, envelope backs never stay neatly shut, and 3) I have an excess of buttons! Buttonholes are better put perpendicular to the opening, so they won’t gape or sag with pressure. As a bonus, by sewing them across your hem fold, you get automatic support of 3 layers of fabric which makes them very sturdy. I must say that making buttonholes with a sensor 1 step buttonhole foot feels like cheating… they are so easy and quick!
Make a sandwich of your top facing up, buttonhole backing, facing down, and overlap with the button side, the smaller backing piece on top, also facing down. Then simply sew all the way around the whole square. Trim, then overlock to neaten up all the layers of fabric and batting. This way it will stand up to being washed without fraying or worse still, disintegrating. Then simply attach your gorgeous vintage buttons lined up with the buttonholes, stuff with insert, and admire!
I love how the quilting stitches look like busy bee trails all over the flowers at this angle…But best of all, my client was supremely happy with his little gift. Which makes it all the sweeter!
As I have many more quilting patterns to learn, I think I will also get a lot of practice making cushions out of them too! Good thing you can’t have too many cushions, isn’t it.
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Love your first image, Cassie … that looks like one very satisfied customer! 🙂