Rippling along again

posted in: Crochet, Home decor | 1

This time in magnificent green!

Ripple Crochet blanket in green and white.
Ripple Crochet blanket in green and white.

As always happens when you make something cool, like my previous ripple blanket for DS2, someone is bound to see it and go, oooh I could make that. A dear girlfriend of mine did this, and she manfully tried for weeks to get the hang of it, finally admitting surrender and sending the wool to live at my house. 2 weeks later, her blanket is finished. We used simple acrylic, with 4 rows of green and 2 of bright white, and as a little bonus I put a fringe on each corner. Man, this thing ended up huge. 9 balls of wool, and it practically covers my bed. It was nice and snuggly to work under through the cold of winter though.

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If she doesn’t come and collect it soon, I’m going to have to keep it for myself I think!Happy Crafting - Cassie.

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