While quilting will always remain my heart-craft, I get a lot of pleasure out of dabbling in other crafts. Case in point, the socks I’m always knitting for family and a few lucky friends. Sock-knitting is like a fidget cube for me, meditative and mostly mindless rows. I was gifted three skeins of stunning coral wool from Julie last year, and I felt the need to make her something in return.

Yeah, that’s really bright wool! It was also too nice to just make socks with, so a single skein scarf was on the agenda. I took it with us on our family holiday last November. The weather was particularly nasty for several days, so a whole lot of garter stitch rows were just what the doctor ordered.

The whole thing is knitted from the first leaf repeat up, growing with every row. It was a perfect option, I could stop knitting whenever I wanted, or when I ran out of wool. I actually got one more pattern repeat out of it before I finished the skein.

There is a beautiful row of climbing leaves up the side of this scarf. The wool was so lovely and soft, it will be a dream for Julie to wear come winter.

The pattern is Dryad, purchased from iknit2purl2 and purchased on Ravelry. I love that site for keeping track of all my patterns, free and purchased and my stash too.
Now I just have to get a picture of her wearing it! It was a bit warm to wear it last month when it was gifted.
Do you knit? What’s your go to knit to gift to people?

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