Promised layout!!

posted in: scrapping | 3

I’m so sorry, yesterday in all the fluff, I forgot to post the other missing layout from this months Scrapbook Creations.

Without further ado….


Background paper, Large letters, Frame and clear acrylic bubble from the Snapshot Mega Kit from Fonts used are Downcome, Wiggly and Uptown. Created in Photoshop 7.

This layout is also from back in September. It’s also from one of the first kits I actually BOUGHT, so it’s paid for itself now lol.

He had been quite sick, and then he was better, and happy and dancing. So I took some pictures.

As a funny side note, we no longer have those curtains! Funny how things change like that. Scrapbooks record more than just the moment, in a way.Happy Crafting - Cassie.

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3 Responses

  1. ksharonk

    I like how you did the title words … very creative, and such a fun photo … and I’m so glad things are cooling down for you at last … 🙂

  2. cassi girl

    This lo is adorable. Love the look on his face!! So happy with himself it looks like.
    It is a pity he is so camera shy though…….:)

    TFS and I can’t wait to see more of your amazing lo’s.

    Sandi 🙂

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