Tonight, he graduates

posted in: Family, home, scrapping | 1

The past few weeks have been a bit of a whirl with end of year music performances and must do’s and must be prepared’s…..

Tonight is the end of it all. In one way, the end of it all forever.


He graduates from Year 7 – Primary School tonight, tomorrow is his last day of Primary School forever. It only seems like a few weeks ago that I was crying on his first day of school. I am definitely NOT ready for him to leave and start on a whole new adventure next year!



We have had a challenging year in school this year, with the loss of a beloved teacher and the adjustment to a completely new teacher and style. However, his report came home tonight full of glowing words of appreciation – for his attitude, his honesty, and how he makes the best out of every situation he seems to find himself in.

So we end the year on a celebratory note. There will be new academic challenges next year, but right now, this boy of ours will enjoy having a triumphant exit from Primary School, having made a strong impact on a trail of lives that he has touched through the years.


Although I can’t guarantee a tear or two will not be shed, we are all celebrating right alongside him tonight!

Happy Crafting - Cassie.

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