2012 in review.

posted in: Family, home, Inspiration | 4

Not that I’m one for New Year’s parties or making resolutions, but I thought it would be  a good chance to sit back and look at where 2012 took us, and where we might be going for 2013.

I’m not going to lie, 2012 was a great year. We’ve had shocker after shocker, full of pain, drama, health issues, emotional storms and growing pains. We have endured loss, broken families, teenage angst, accidents and sickness every year for the last 5. But this year was so much better.

Sure, there were still problems, but the growth we had managed through our other trials meant that we were better able to handle the storms and push through them. They might have hurt us short-term, but long term, they are really only ripples in my memory.

So what are the things that I’m grateful for over the past year? The things that really stand out?

No 1 would have to be this guy. Married for 16 years, and still the only person I want to see – to celebrate with, to commiserate with, to laugh with and to work hard alongside. Honey, you rock my world!

Unwrapping an Anniversary present, January 2012
Unwrapping an Anniversary present, January 2012

No 2 would be my 2 crazy TEENAGE sons!! Yes, we are now officially an all teenage house. The last year they have shown me depth and maturity that gives me hope for the men that they are becoming. They exhaust me, frustrate me, but always amaze me.

DS1, me and DS2 2012
DS1, me and DS2 2012

No 3 surprise from 2012 would have to be our chickens! I dreamed of having them for so long, but reality has rocked. They have been feathery friends that have made me laugh through some not so happy times. They make me get out of the house, out of my comfort zone and reward me in many ways.


No 4 would be discovering my sewing machine again, and teaching myself to patchwork and quilt. It’s been an education in skill – or my lack there-of, and in letting go of perfection and just enjoying the process. My grey and yellow chevron quilt is the most looked at item on my blog – I must be ahead of the trend on that one!! Only 2 quilts and a pillow completed for 2012, but many plans for 2013!


No 5 would be enjoying working together to decorate and improve our house. This house was the stuff of many dreams, and it’s been awesome seeing them come to reality through our hard work. Some things really are worth waiting for!

Our white hallway with wall of photos. I smile every time I walk past this table. It's my favourite part of the house so far!
Our white hallway with wall of photos. I smile every time I walk past this table. It’s my favourite part of the house so far!

No 6 would be learning to plant and grow our own flowers and vegetables. It’s been a somewhat stressful learning curve, with attacks from nature right, left and centre, but every time I’ve tried to learn our lesson and move on. The victories are Oooooh so sweet!

One of our more spectacular successes has been our giant russian sunflowers!!
One of our more spectacular successes has been our giant russian sunflowers!!

No 7 is rediscovering my inner artist. I’ve been embracing art journalling and “doodling” more and more, and it’s been a really valuable part of my life.

Sketch_blog 3


There are many many other things I would love to list, but I just don’t have the time. 2012 was certainly a good year for us, and I really appreciate all the many blessings in my life.

What’s your best memory from 2012?Happy Crafting - Cassie.

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4 Responses

  1. Dream Collision

    Your boys are getting huge! You all look very healthy and happy. I’m glad 2012 was finally a good year for you. It was a tough year for us, but we made it through. All of the time I spent with my family was priceless this year… worth more than all the writing and online stuff put together. I wish you all the best in 2013! <3 AmyK