Sneak peek…

posted in: Book Making, Family, Pets, Quilting, sewing | 3

Sorry to leave you all hanging like that, but I’ve been having a Fibro flare the last couple of weeks. Too much to do, the boys have so many places to be at the moment and I spend 3 or 4 hours in the car at a stretch some days! But it’s all in a good cause. Unfortunately it cuts into my crafting time, because I still have to try to pretend to look after the house as well, and I’m spending a lot of time just recovering every day.

But I did sneak in some sewing recently, as well as a bit more book-making for a special friend. I can’t show you it all yet, but here’s a sneak peek to whet your appetite.

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I have been busy sourcing new book supplies and I’m heading into production mode. Watch this space!

 Happy Crafting - Cassie.

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3 Responses

  1. cottagemagpie

    Oooh, very exciting. You make books? I love them. My Mom has been making them for years and someday I’d like to try my hand at it. I can’t wait to see more, but take care of yourself!! ~Angela~