Red letter day!!
Or should that be, a red egg day? We had, as previously discussed, resigned ourselves to not having any eggs from our 4 lovely girls until the end of winter, when the days would get longer. They are around 30-32 … Continued
Or should that be, a red egg day? We had, as previously discussed, resigned ourselves to not having any eggs from our 4 lovely girls until the end of winter, when the days would get longer. They are around 30-32 … Continued
Sorry for a little bit of absence around here, I’ve been a bit distracted and stressed. This past week in particular saw me surviving on 2 nights of about 3 or 4 hours sleep. It was pretty rough. However, we … Continued
I am using the term vocation very specifically in this case. I was going to say job, but what I am doing at the moment, and have been building up to for a while, falls more under the term “calling” … Continued
Sorry to be a bit absent again. We have busy, and also not too well. It happens. But things have been growing along in the garden. We had our first frost of the year on Wednesday, which was unexpected. The … Continued
Ugh. Just what you need one lazy sunday when you are spending the day resting in bed with a rotten headache. One of the chickens got into the raised vegie beds with their tiny baby seedlings….. she didn’t eat anything, … Continued
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