Hum, ho hum…

posted in: Family | 4

I was supposed to spend last night backing up all my Psd’s onto a stack of DVD’s that *skip* bought me… Picasa has this cool backup feature that actually keeps track of what files you’ve backed up and if there … Continued


posted in: Family | 4

This was a good day, a bad day, and a sad day all rolled into one. I have one toot to reveal, a secret to keep, and a piece missing from my heart. I got a last minute email today … Continued

Tired….. so tired

posted in: Family, scrapping | 3

It’s 10.15 in the evening, and I’ve been up since 5 am. Had to take *skippy* to the airport, and it’s actually such a rare thing for us to need to go somewhere like that, I was determined to take … Continued

Wahoo wahoo wahoo wahoo!!

posted in: Family | 4

Ok, this is an even bigger set of wahoos than my FK acceptance, and it’s nothing to do with scrapping. Every day this week I have faithfully trailed to the school to sit and watch, and quietly encourage Sammy, to … Continued

Happy Anniversary to us!!

posted in: Family, Words | 2

I know I’ve been a slack blogger…. but things have been really piling up on me lately. I have to go to the school every day this week between 10 and 10.45 to watch Sammy swim, and get him dry … Continued

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