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Oh, I am so tired… I had to go to the city twice yesterday (70km+ round trip), I had a class from 6 until 9, so I didn’t get dinner until 10. Today has been WALK day with my dear friend *K*, visit day with the new twins, whose parents, not suprisingly are more tired than me, shopping and cleaning. Just blogging away while I wait for the floor to dry.

I had a big clean out of my bathroom cupboards today, I can highly recommend it as a quiet sit on the floor kind of job that can be hugely satisfying – I threw SOOO much away, which is a huge thing for me…. So everyone, go into your bathroom and find at least 2 or 3 things that are old, empty or you haven’t used for x years and chuck them OUT. You will feel SO much better.

Here’s a picture to brighten up your day, and then I must dash and start cleaning the toilet. What fun!

This little honeyeater was bobbing about in a bush at the Mt Lofty botanic gardens right by the path – we almost walked straight past him. Anyone know what variety he is, or where I should look to find him let me know! He was only about the size of a sparrow, so I’m pretty happy with this photo considering that my zoom is only up to 105mm.

Have a great day!! 🙂Happy Crafting - Cassie.

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