The cat is out…..

posted in: Uncategorized | 4

…. of the bag!!

Thanks Peta!

I’ve been holding off announcing it, a) because it wasn’t actually final until Friday, and b) because there had been no announcement by the other party. However, it appears that now there HAS and thanks to Peta, I can SPILL!!

I’ve gotten accepted onto ANOTHER Creative Team. This was one I really wanted to get on, the minute I saw this Designer’s work in the Breast Cancer Kit, and then followed that to her website, I was really impressed. And then when Peta spotted her ad, well, it was just going to happen. (Thanks again Peta, we’ll talk later about that finders fee lol…)

I am now on the Creative Team for FernLili. You can check out her fabulous site here. I just love her style, and once again (like Amy, still luv you hun) she is amazingly generous with her kits. I was totally blown away when I unzipped my first toy and discovered how much she has put INTO these kits… not just plenty of paper, but the QUANTITY, QUALITY and VARIETY of elements has to be seen to be believed. There are just so many talented designers out there, and I’m very happy to be associated with the ones I am.

So there you go.

Great news, huh!

There is, however, still more news to come…. it’s just taking a while to get here.

and NO I’M NOT PREGNANT lol…. breathe Dad…
(and look at that, a post without ANY pictures…… SAD, huh.)Happy Crafting - Cassie.

Please be aware that there may be affiliate links in this content. Your support allows me to keep creating for you!

4 Responses

  1. AmyK

    Woo hoo! I saw your name in the email yesterday – congratulations! I’m sure you will do even more fantastic work. πŸ˜‰

  2. ksharonk

    Oh yes, I saw the email too … and didn’t realize it was sort of a secret, lol! Congratulations, and happy playing with all the new goodies! πŸ™‚

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