Thankyou BREE!!!!

posted in: scrapping | 5

I’m not sure if I blogged about this before, but while we are on the topic of Scrapping Inspiration, I have to share this website with you all…. by the wonderful Bree Clarkson.

These sketches are AWESOME!

I don’t know if anyone else has noticed this, but I have a real weakness when it comes to fitting in more than one photo on a layout. And then as soon as I try to fit in some journalling too, well, forget it. My layouts almost always look yuck. But I’m running out of single photo *moment* layouts and it’s time to scrap some EVENTS instead. So quite late last night, I jumped onto Bree’s site and started hunting for ideas.

This layout was inspired by one of her sketches…. it’s not the same, but it was definitely an *aha* moment.

Not to mention that it suddenly evolved into a 2 pager, which is a rare thing for me… and most other digi-scrappers I know…. I don’t know what the percentage is, but the vast majority of layouts are singles.

But this was GREAT FUN and I loved doing it and will be doing it again!!


Credits: Papers and stuff from Playtime Maxim by Trish Jones (from the Eclectic Mix CD again). Tag template from the AWESOME new set for sale at Loving their sale at the moment! Fonts used were Another, CK Mixnmatch, 4990810. As always, created in Photoshop7. I am especially proud of my ribbon that is wrapped around the photo block on page2…. my skills are definitely improving.

On a side note, these photos, were of course, taken with my baby camera…. and seriously, you can’t tell that much of a difference. Canon quality!!

After this was finished, I actually got another layout *done* but I’m still not sure if it’s finished or not, so you’ll just have to be patient a bit longer!! *wink*

So, stay tuned!!

Oh, and BY THE WAY!! How do you like the new look? Let me know, ok??Happy Crafting - Cassie.

Please be aware that there may be affiliate links in this content. Your support allows me to keep creating for you!

5 Responses

  1. Justine

    Great layout. I’m loving the doubble page too. It is a rare thing in digi land, and seeing this I am inspired to give it a go.

  2. ksharonk

    GREAT photos of Sammy the Super Fish … isn’t he doing great? I love the new look … almost thought I was in the wrong place for a moment when I clicked on Cass in my blog list and ended up on a strange page! Looks beautiful … πŸ™‚

  3. Traci

    Yup, Bree rocks! She makes great sketches for digital memories mag too πŸ™‚

    I like the look of your blog, great color & font!

  4. Peta

    Ohh yeah have to agree Bree’s site rocks – both of them – that and just digital calls as well!! – Dont’ forget that Bree also does the Sketch challenge on at Divas too!! πŸ™‚

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