I don’t post a lot about my darling baby, except, of course, when I’m washing her. You wouldn’t recognize her then.
So here she is actually in a LAYOUT! I got these good photos of her ages ago, and had never scrapped them. Well, finally, I have!
Meanwhile, I am SUPPOSED to be at sports day. But you should see the weather outside. It’s very overcast and misting rain. Ewww… and as I pointed out to one mother when we were watching them doing thier warm-ups… well, one of the family has to stay well so that there’s someone to nurse the kids when they both have pneumonia. What good would it do if I got sick too? I’m due back in just under an hour for a couple hours in the canteen, they put on a special bag lunch for sports day and it’s going to be bedlam! However, it is also going to be warm and dry, so I’m not complaining too much. I don’t like my chances of getting any decent photos though….
Here’s last year’s sports day. I didn’t actually do any credits on this layout, I don’t know why. I am so evil. It’s one of my earlier digital attempts, and my first digi 2-pager…
You probably can’t read the journalling, but at the same time last year, we had over 30degree heat, and we were worried about the kids getting heat exhaustion. Whereas this year, we’re worried about frostbite!!
Well, I’d better get back there and shake my pom-poms or something. Blah.
Boy, haven’t my layouts changed a bit… rofl.
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