I didn’t duck fast enough I think…. Sandi tagged me
In my Fridge
1. Milk, lots and lots of
2. Apple juice
3. Left-over cake
4. Lettuce that doesn’t fit the lettuce holder thingy
5. Cheese
In my Closet
1. My new coat!
2. A heater
3. The boy’s art supplies
4. An enormous stuffed toy tiger
5. Dust bunnies!!
In my handbag
1. Wallet – man-style
2. Sudoku book, with pen
3. Mobile phone
4. Mini – Diary
5. Lots of tissues!
In my Car
1. CD’s
2. Street Directory
3. Spare blanket
4. Rope that we still have yet to return… ooops.
5. Big stack of “Green” shopping bags
On my DVD / Video player
1. My new Pride and Prejudice DVD, Patience pays off, the price finally came down got it for $15.99 – half price!
2. Garfield
3. Finding Nemo
4. Robots
5. The incredibles, and the list goes on….
I tag
1. Sharon
2. Deb F
3. Ash
4.& 5. Not that they ever look at my blog, but Meredith Fenwick and Kim Christensen…. I read thier blogs EVERY DAY!!:)
Thanks Sandi, that was fun!! What a boring life I lead! 🙂
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Thanks Cass … I’ve met the challenge and passed it on … now, what was I supposed to be doing? Oh yeah, making paper, lol. 🙂