House update

posted in: Family, Gardening, home, Home decor | 4

Greetings all! Sorry about the unexpected radio silence there, but life just catches up when you least expect it and kicks you in the pants sometimes!! But enough about that. I wanted to finally share with you a house update! The long awaited (by us at any rate) final reveal of the front garden. We had run out of inspiration when it came to the front, so apart from delivering a shed load of bark mulch to help keep the weeds down, it’s been pretty plain ever since. However, not any longer!!

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We opted to keep the planting simple for now, with a trio of Prunus to line up with the feature windows at the front, some Phormium (or NZ Flax) along the verandah and some flowering shrubs to help contain the slope. And it turns out that my bargain irises flanking the right side of the driveway are white and not purple as I thought – bargain! Some beautiful pots to finish it off with pansies and white lavender, and like magic, it looks like it’s been there all along!

While we are on a house tour, how marvellous and inviting is our beautiful deck and back lawn?

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Not to mention my productive vegetable garden…. masses of silverbeet for the chickens, the garlic busy doing it’s thing underground, and we are officially in Broccoli harvest season!


Finally, a few final inside shots, because I do so love how we’ve finished off the inside… it took months to find the perfect ensuite mirror, but I finally did, and the fabulous spotlights overhead make it feel totally bright and glamorous.


The kitchen, where we spend so much time as a family – we do love our food!


My formal living area, also known as my retreat. Ikea wingback chairs in burnt orange for the win!


And finally, my sewing/craft studio, where all the fun really happens…


We put two more sets of spotlights overhead, and the extra lighting is a blessing, especially at night. I love using my Ikea expedit cubes as an extension of my desk also – perfect combination of storage and workspace.

So, thanks for coming with me on this tour. We are so happy that in less than 3 years we have achieved so much and built such a wonderful house.Happy Crafting - Cassie.

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4 Responses

  1. Angie @

    The house looks fabulous! Love seeing your creative space – it’s very cool! Hopefully it won’t be on the market that long and you’ll be moving to your dream creative space. Love!

  2. Fiona

    I can picture you relaxing in one of those orange chairs with a cocktail in hand & puppies on your lap as you text me your funny messages! ROFL

    • Cassandra

      I’m afraid piddlepot Willow isn’t allowed in the front room until she works out her toilet business. But Coco loves sitting there and barking at all the people walking past!

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