So, the nine-patches continue to pile up, although I seem to be having trouble with keeping even seam allowances. My 1/4″ foot isn’t really 1/4″, which throws me every so often, which then throws the whole patch out. I am happy to report though that a new blade in my rotary cutter has made the world of difference in the cutting department. Which is good because I had to go get another 6 fat quarters of green fabric, as well as some more patterned pieces to get this quilt to a respectable snuggle size. I’m pretty happy with how it’s all come together with the balance of colours and patterns.
Here is the latest instalment via instagram…. I laid it all out on our bed to get an idea of how many squares I needed to finish it off…. 3 more will do it. Then I just need to cut them all up again to make the 9 patches disappear!
I did quite a bit of sewing this week in between headaches. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but I’ve paid for it over the weekend I’m afraid. The other sewing was a couple of tops for myself, the first in a long time. I will have a review of the pattern and the adjustments, along with some pictures during the week. I’m getting my hair done on Tuesday, so that will be a good time to pose, right? I seem to be on a real sewing kick at the moment, I dream of fabrics and designs and come up with all sorts of weird and wonderful creations in my sleep.
So, stay tuned for more crafting and sewing in the next few weeks. Hopefully I can even start working my way through some of my massive stash of fabrics!
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