Present day 2012

posted in: Family, home, Inspiration | 6

So, because we don’t celebrate Birthday’s or Christmas, we tend to buy what we or the boys need as the year goes on. It’s great to have a stash of books, dvd’s or whatever put away for when someone brings home a particularly good report, or another boring week of school holidays is looming. The boys really love our system, and have told us many times that they wouldn’t have it any other way.

However, once a year, supposedly on our anniversary, we all give each other some special presents. I say supposedly because our anniversary is the 7th of December and well, this year present day was 6 weeks late. Other bills came first before this mamma could do some shopping!

I won’t go through each individual present as that would be pretty boring. I did spoil the boys a bit this year, but as they never get any presents from any other family, I figure it’s my right.

Samuel with his Bolton Wanderers Jersey and new Star Wars Lego.
DS2 with his Bolton Wanderers Jersey and new Star Wars Lego.
Husbands are always the hardest to buy for, this Liverpool jacket imported from England was an instant winner.
Husbands are always the hardest to buy for, this Liverpool jacket imported from England was an instant winner.

One present I was rather proud of was a custom-made mug for DS1. He’s a huge Tron fan, as many 15yo boys are, and so I used a Tron font, with a whole lot of Photoshop tweaking, to make a jpg file. Upload this, and a week later, viola!

Finally he has a mug of his own!!
Finally he has a mug of his own!!

Tyson logoHaving a Mum with mad Photoshop skills has its benefits!!

Of course, I had as much fun watching everyone open their presents as I did getting my own, so here’s the obligatory Cassie photo!


DS2, who is 13 and will make an awesome husband one day, spent hours on the computer researching presents for me. He presented his father with a list of suggestions, complete with links and prices. He chose this awesome vintage Dick Francis book for me from Etsy. He was especially happy because it was a title that I didn’t even own, and it is absolutely gorgeous in its vintage-ness.


He also chose an Owl pendant necklace, which went well with DH’s plan – he enrolled me in Juliette Crane’s class, How to Paint an Owl. I’m working through week one as I am able, and it’s just so awesome and inspirational!

So, although it was unavoidably delayed, we got the most fantastic presents – every single present had much thought put into it by someone. The plan is for the boys to eventually be trusted to buy presents for each other and us, however for the time being, it seems easier to just get their input on the shopping list. I love this version of present giving – every gift is something that you will use and love.Happy Crafting - Cassie.

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6 Responses

    • Cassandra

      Oh, me too!! Have been collecting them since I was 5, so we have a few here and there 😉

  1. df

    Gifts are only worth doing when this much thought goes into them – love all those happy faces of your family!

    • Cassandra

      Thanks, I couldn’t agree more about presents!! And giving really is it’s own reward when you have such an appreciative audience!