More Burda sewing

posted in: sewing | 1

I made up another of my beautiful jersey t-shirts a few weeks ago.



Of course, when I picked out the fabric I didn’t realise how challenging positioning the repeat would be, however I chose to run the mirror line down the centre front and back. Not sure if that was the best choice, but not much I can do about it now.

I decided to give a self band neckline one more shot, however, I obviously didn’t stretch it hard enough as it’s still not sitting right. I think now would be a good time to give up on that idea.



It’s not the end of the world, unless you were looking for it, you wouldn’t notice it.

I have one more length of jersey left to sew up, so I will do the faced neckline for that one, just to keep the stress down.

Edited-0511I even managed to centre the sleeves on the mirror repeat. That took some doing! I’m really happy with the length, I just can’t imagine it a couple of inches shorter. So glad I extended it.

Please excuse the bad belly shots. I’m trying some new medication and the one major side effect is weight gain. I’m still trying to work out if that’s worth the hassle, however it seems to have the headaches back under control. It’s sad there always has to be a trade-off for something!

Anyway, I have a momentous plan kicking off on Friday the 1st of March. Make sure you stay tuned to check it out! I’m hoping that maybe some other people will play along!

 Happy Crafting - Cassie.

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