Because it’s just been that kind of week, here’s a few random things to keep it real. To be honest, I could really do with a virtual hug right now.
- I’m really missing my parents this week. Missing my family really. Not that I don’t have a family, but that we’ve never had a close relationship. I had a biopsy on Tuesday on a lump. You know, one of those, we’re sure it’s nothing but we’re just going to stick a needle in you and make sure that it’s nothing kind of lumps. Ouch. Today I was driving home from dropping DH in town after he went to the dentist, and I just started crying. Because there was no-one out there who cared, who was counting down the days with us until we got the results back, who would be waiting by the phone to hear, with relief, that it was all ok. Because it’s always in the back of your mind, that it might not be ok.
- That’s kind of what family supposed to be there for – sharing that sort of news, both good and bad. I miss them when the boys have had so many performances, and we only ever need to buy 2 tickets. No one else ever comes to hear them. I walk with envy past the other parents, waiting for Grandma, Aunts, Uncles… they buy up tables of 8 and 10. Last time we filled a table of 8, it was with former teachers – not any family. They never see any other family faces in the audience there to cheer for them than us. Sometimes after particularly brilliant performance, I could cry for them. They don’t mind so much, because they’ve never really known any different, but I know it shouldn’t be like that.
- My current least favourite medication side effect is nausea. It’s like morning sickness all over again, I have to eat small meals, and often, and small bites, slowly. It’s taken a few weeks just to get used to that, but I’m still hoping that my body settles down and it goes away.
- Miss Naomi, the bumblefooted chicken is still infected. After 4 rounds of 2 different types of antibiotics and 3 surgeries, there is still an open hole on the top of her foot that fills up with “cheese” and then weeps. It’s gross. We’re running out of ideas of ways to beat this bug, as the drugs don’t seem to be working, and all we can do is manage the symptoms, clean it out and redress it a couple of times a week. She has had a dressing on her foot pretty well non-stop since here. She woke up in a very bad way this morning, limping and very unwell. Because DH was going to the dentist, we had the extra time to do her dressing this am, but if she doesn’t perk up this afternoon with all the pressure gone and the wound clean and drained, then it’s off to the vet again tomorrow. We just can’t give up on her. Ever.
- So there you go. We’ve been insanely busy this week – just me and DH. The boys, thankfully, are vegging out on the lounge, playing Xbox, reading, and just decompressing after a full-on term of school. They got their reports yesterday, they both did really well and have earned a break! Meanwhile, I have to go scavenge some lunch, find some more coffee and fold some washing. The sun has continued to shine on this wonderful autumn we have been enjoying, and I don’t want it to end!
- At least I got one benefit out of an early morning vet nurse job, followed by a dentist appointment and a taxi job to the city – because I missed breakfast, I got to have a lovely coffee and muffin in the coffee shop in Balhannah…. first customer of the morning gets the comfy lounge chair!

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Cassandra I know exactly what you mean about not having a close relationship with your family.
My family and I were close until Mum and Dad divorced when I was 12 and my sister was 8 and then family became something other people had not me or my sister 🙁 My family were not ‘huggers’ but if I could hug you I would so a virtual hug will have to suffice. OXOXO (3 for good luck and a couple of kisses thrown in for good measure). I do hope your Biopsy results are in the normal range 🙂 Now about Naomi. I’m sorry to hear her foot is still causing her problems. Have you tried zinc cream on her wound? I suffer with chronic immune disorders which can cause poor wound healing at the best of times and prescribed cortisone cream was not helping. In desperation I tried Curash Nappy Rash Cream with 20% Zinc Oxide and the wound healed within a few days! Worth a try maybe. Another thing which you can get from most Chemists is Silver Dressings. My husband had a largish suspicious mole removed from the middle of his spine right over the spinal cord. Due to problems with the adhesive dressings the local GP stuck on the wound every time the dressing was changed the wound re-opened. I could not understand why they insisted on placing a sticky dressing over an open wound??? I found Silver Dressings at our local Chemist which keep the wound dry (unlike Zinc Cream which keeps the wound moist) and within a short time his wound had healed over completely. I do realise these dressings will be hard to keep on a chicken but you have probably got that all worked out.
Thankyou so much for the hugs!! They are much appreciated, it’s almost impossible for people to understand unless they lose their family what it’s like to do without.
Thankyou for the suggestion, we have gotten her some more anti-biotics and are trying the curash cream first. Will be sure you let you know how it goes! 🙂
Hi sweets, sorry to read about your worries. Bodies are strange sometimes, I too have had mysterious lumps and tumors which have all turned out to be benign. refuse to be frightened!
remain steadfast and unmoveable ;). Missed you last night or maybe I was too busy with a tired oskar to realise you were there? Nevertheless you will always have your spiritual family sweets.
No, we weren’t there on Thursday. We know all about tired kids, have been around that block a couple of times 😉