There has been some changes happening in the garden over the last few weeks. After much planning and thinking and measuring, the raised garden beds are being moved up to the higher garden level, and actually under the clothesline. Although that means I can’t plant tall things there, it does mean that it is closer to a tap, gets more morning sun, and less afternoon sun which is important in summer, and as it is closer to the house, I will be more likely to go out there and harvest it. A garden bed that is used, but low, is better than one that isn’t being used at all!
We had 2 volunteer silverbeet and a potato that got dug up and transplanted into it. I have added some volunteer cos lettuce seedlings from last summers lettuce (that never got eaten by anyone except the chickens), and I caved in and picked up some watermelon and capsicum seedlings from the hardware store.
Before we moved all the soil, we let the chickens in to give it a good scratch over, and make sure we were moving the minimum amount of bugs and slugs. They did a very thorough job!
We also mixed into the soil the contents of one of the compost bins which was 90% finished. Time to start filling it up and let the other one mature for a few months.
The third bed is a bit harder to move as it is full of mature garlic. It’s so close to being harvested, I really hate to disturb it now. So we might just have to leave that one a bit longer. So what’s happening where the gardens used to be? I have plans for a row of dwarf fruit trees along the back fence. The chicken run will be extended so that they can take advantage of the eventual shade and shelter, as well as be pest control and clean up any fallen fruit. It is the ideal location for fruit, as it will not shade out any other beds, and it will help block the eventual view of the neighbours house, if one is ever built.
My lime tree is covered in amazing blossom, and everything is growing like crazy, including the roses that I just threw into the retaining wall down the back. They are covered in buds, the spring blooms are still going and the irises are out as well. It’s a wonderful time to be out in the garden!
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Cassie, I need to take a leaf out of your book, we have been going to put raised vegetable garden beds in for ages, have the perfect spot at the side of the house, but still procrastinating. We are growing potatoes at the moment (found this bag thing to grow spuds in) whether or not our hopefully green thumb makes it work, who knows. You have inspired me though to get it going this time.
Yes, sometimes it’s just about doing it, and not holding back. Works for so many things! Can’t wait to see the results 🙂