Whirling week
Greetings everyone! So glad that I could find some time to drop in on the old blog. It’s been a crazy week this week, between the absence, and just-in-time return of DS1, to an impromptu-ish dinner for 8 and our … Continued
Greetings everyone! So glad that I could find some time to drop in on the old blog. It’s been a crazy week this week, between the absence, and just-in-time return of DS1, to an impromptu-ish dinner for 8 and our … Continued
Those of you closer in net-land know that earlier this month, we very unexpectedly lost my Mother, Barbara. She had an accident at home, falling off a ladder and hitting her head, very hard. She passed away from these injuries … Continued
From where I sit, I can see the rain sheeting in across the valley. All the greens are muted, as if the same colour all of a sudden. The only pop is a tiny patch of blue sky, and some … Continued
But you are welcome to read it too 😉 Ok, so I knocked off work an hour ago. I’m already on my second Vodka and Lemonade. Say no more. *skip* and the boys came to the shop to meet me … Continued
Anyone want to post all my layouts for me and praise up in the gallery? I just don’t have the time or energy to do it. Especially considering that to get some attention I have to have them posted by … Continued
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