Rope Tricks – Australian Homespun January 2018
I am over the moon excited to share with you my first project published in Australian Homespun. This is a beautiful magazine that caters to the many among us who are “multi-craftual” and have abilities in several areas, … Continued
Super quick and simple canvas – DIY gift idea
Everyone loves those words – simple and quick, but this is genuinely one of the quickest and easiest DIY gifts I’ve ever made. No sewing needed, just a bit of glue and a trusty staple gun. I used a … Continued
Scrappy forest quilt in progress
All my readers will know how obsessive I am about fabric, and keeping my scraps. I make a big effort to use them too, keeping an eye out for patterns that are particularly good for using up scraps but still … Continued
Wild Blooms – finished quilt
I was so very happy to be able to join my “daughter” for her wedding a few weeks ago. As the daughter of one of my very dear friends, our children grew up together and I see her as one … Continued
Design Wall Wednesday – Indelible Rainbow
If you were trying to describe the word Indelible, some of the synonyms you will come across include lasting, enduring, memorable, or unforgettable. These are definitely words that I used to describe this amazing fabric line from Katarina Rocella, the … Continued