I have had this stupid head cold thing for nearly a week now, and I still don’t even feel human. Hence the blogging hiatus. But I will return! I haven’t even been scrapping much, my head is too rotten. I’ve been mainly ebaying – chasing up buyers and making up parcels. Trying to stay on top of the house and the washing, what a joke! Although *skip* did help me to fold the mountain of washing that I’ve been hoarding for weeks. Almost up to date!
Had some good emails today – 2 more layouts have been accepted for publication. Both of Sammy, well, can I help it if he’s totally photogenic? It’s not like I didn’t submit any of Tyson, it’s just that everyone loves Sammy (including sammy)! Due out in January.
Ok, I can’t get away without giving you a picture of some description.
I took this photo of Sammy a year ago, October last year. Garage home photo shoots are the BEST! And i have a good garage for them.
Papers and elements again from one of Daniela Peuss’s free kits, aptly named, Simplicity. Thanks Dani!
Ok, time to crawl into the kitchen and start dinner. See you later all!
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