
posted in: Words | 4

Finding things that you maybe didn’t even know you were looking for, in places that you didn’t expect. At a time, perhaps that you didn’t expect them.

I’m very tired today. I have another cold – blame the very hot nights we had on the weekend, I think I caught a chill. I have worked my be-hind off at work the past 3 days and was so very happy to have today to do exactly NOTHING. I have to work the next 5 days straight, so I needed to get my head all straightened out. I do love my job, most of the time, but it’s very mundane and doesn’t really inspire me much.

So here I sit, tissues, coffee and Salt and Vinegar chips to hand. We won’t even talk about that strange craving at the moment. I was trying to think of what sort of movie I wanted to curl up and vegetate to…. but in the meantime I was doing what I do best. Wasting time. Blog-hopping in fact. I have NOT got the foggiest idea how I got here, but here I got. And stayed. I’ll pick up my jaw later. Suddenly I am just consumed with desire, jealousy, frustration. The overwhelming urge to create. Combined with the knowledge that whatever I created, would never be like this. Seriously, I can’t paint. I have trouble just putting gesso on a box. But this, it’s something else. Something I didn’t know was missing from my life, but now, something that I don’t know how I’ll live without.

Go have a look for yourself.

Misty Mawn’s blog

Misty Mawn’s shop.

Sometimes we all need a little escape.Happy Crafting - Cassie.

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4 Responses

  1. Melinda

    I hope you feel better after a day of rest, Cass! her painting are beautiful, but I have no hope of painting like that either LOL!

  2. Tania

    Wow, those are gorgeous, thanks for sharing the link, her ATC’s are especially beautiful!!

    Hope you are feeling better!

  3. Emily

    Wow…very cool stuff on that blog! Sorry you are feeling icky…hopefully your cold will pass very quickly! At least you have today to relax and rest up!! 🙂

  4. Jessica

    You know what? I waste an INSANE amount of time looking at stuff, wishing I could knit and sew…

    Thanks for the links. Her work is sooo inspiring!

    Feel better soon (((hugs)))

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