So, I forgot to let the boys after school care know that I wasn’t working today. Late cancellations still require the full payment, so I’m just sitting here at home, doing nothing, before I go get them about 5pm. Rofl….. If I have to pay anyway, I might as well USE the service!
Jessica has momentarily lost the plot, so run off to SBG and buy her amazing new collection, called Home Life, for only $2 before she changes her mind 🙂 Here’s a layout that I created this afternoon using it… it seems that the Funk It Up competition has really loosened up my funk….. and I’m lovin’ it!
Link takes you to my layout at SBG, will upload it to DST late tonight or first thing tomorrow to catch the praise game….
Speaking of Funk It Up, the competition is semi-officially over….. all my layouts are done and uploaded, and the results will be tabulated and posted tomorrow. Very excited to see if I made up some ground on Amy over this last round… 😉 rofl. I’m not going to win, but I’m so glad I played! Here’s the layout for the 6th bonus challenge. Another new favourite I’m afraid!
I’ve uploaded all my layouts from this comp to a picasa web gallery, when I get around to it, I’ll add the link over on the right in my gallery listings. It’s very inspiring seeing them all in one place 🙂
Ok, so it’s time to go get the kidlets and stop being such a bad mum. Hehehehe. Later all!
Please be aware that there may be affiliate links in this content. Your support allows me to keep creating for you!
I have been so proud of your awesome layouts this contest, too! You have totally opened up, and I think each layout just amazes me more and more. You were fabulous, darling! 🙂