And I wouldn’t believe any promises that I make around here, as I am obviously not back tomorrow with photos…
Anyway, I don’t have photos of the fridge, yet, but I do have exciting news!! 2 of my favourite designers are back in the game, at Funky Playground Designs no less….
Go check out Jessica Bolton and Tania Shaw‘s new shops!
Of course, with new shops comes some new eye candy too…. so here goes.
Ok, so that’s all you’re getting from me today I’m afraid. I have those boys of mine dropping like flies with some nasty flu type virus. *skip* has been sick for 3 going on 4 days, is still madly feverish, with a hacking cough that is keeping ME up at night. Sam came home from school tonight and promptly spiked a fever himself. Tyson is miserable, but not officially “sick” yet, and I am just refusing to get sick. Tissue salts, echinacea and sheer willpower. As well as about a million cups of tea. None of this is helped by the fact that yesterday was the first official day of winter and it’s COLD already. It’s rained all day today, and I was extremely grateful that circumstances were conspiring to keep me home in the warm and dry.
Oh, and we survived the inevitable rental inspection last week. A bare 7 days notice, but we made it through somehow…. Whew. That’s over for another 3 months!
Ok, time to go check heads and dose someone…..
Please be aware that there may be affiliate links in this content. Your support allows me to keep creating for you!
I hope your guys are feeling better soon Cassie! I love the layouts, thanks so much for sharing!!