It’s a girl!!

posted in: Baby, Etsy, Home decor, Inspiration, Shopping | 0

Well, no, not really, but sometimes I like to play pretend. I put together this pretty pink Etsy treasury a few days ago, and thought that it would brighten the weekend up a little bit. Click on the image to go directly to the treasury in Etsy if you would like to have a closer look at anything.


Sadly, I have absolutely NO idea what went missing from here since I created it, but it sure is cute (and very pink). Lots of awesome Etsy Australia sellers on there as well. I mean, isn’t that pony just the cutest thing? It’s a shame I missed out on the girl thing, but honestly, I wouldn’t swap my boys for anything. At least I have plenty of friends with daughters for when I get the urge to make something a bit frilly 😉

Have an awesome weekend wherever you are, and a great Monday!!Happy Crafting - Cassie.

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