Spring quilt underway

posted in: Family, home, Inspiration, Quilting, sewing | 2

So, I knew this should be a straightforward quilt to sew – the 9 patch is one of the easiest blocks. However, I did reckon without my rotary cutter and ruler, that hate me, and my sewing machine that just can’t seem to keep a straight line. Of course, I blame the tools, not the operator!!


Disappearing nine patch spring quilt - Cassandra Madge


So I started with 3 15″ strips – 1 centre strip, and 2 shades of green for each side. Stitch them together, really carefully with a 1/4″ seam, and then the plan is that I can cut THEM into thirds and will have 3×5″ middle strips.


Disappearing nine patch spring quilt - Cassandra Madge


Piece the patterned strips on either side of other green squares, sew together, and easy 9 patch blocks!


Disappearing nine patch spring quilt - Cassandra Madge


It has mostly gone according to plan, however my measurements must have been a bit dodgy because some of the seams are a little shorter than others. Oh well, it will work itself out. I hope. I’m embracing imperfection, remember? I ran out of fabric very fast, which mean another trip to the shops to reload today. More plain green, a couple more patterns to fill in some visual gaps, and I snagged the last of the green polka-dot on the roll. So that’s binding sorted. No idea on backing yet, but baby steps!!

DS2 playing a duet of the Trumpet Voluntary with his teacher. Poor thing, he has been so crook this week he was totally out of breath by the end of it. What a champ!


In un-related family business, the 2 performances yesterday went off without any major hitches. The weather was spectacularly bad, with forecast 60-90km/h winds, gusting to over 100. There were trees down all over the news, but thankfully we weren’t affected apart from it being pretty windy outside. The kids did really well in their respective music groups, one very proud mamma here. Also, one very slack mamma, as I have realised that I haven’t downloaded, let alone burnt to disc any of the performances we’ve videoed all year so far! So that has been my other mission for today, with more bad weather on the horizon (threatening thunderstorms tonight!) what better way to ride out the storm than edit endless hours of school concerts?!? Someone better pass me another coffee.

 Happy Crafting - Cassie.

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