No Buy July

July is here, and I am signing on for No Buy July…. the tagline on Instagram is #itstimetostopbuyingandstartsewing

I wanted to share my pledge and to-do list with you, so that I can keep track of how the sewing part is going…

There are 4 quilt tops from the Simply Retro Challenge awaiting quilting, as well as the July choice. More on that another day.

Simply Retro Gallery

I am working on a couple more secret presents for people, that obviously I can’t share the details of here. We will call them Squirrel 1 and Squirrel 2 and Squirrel 3

There is always my Aussie Modern Instabee blocks, June has been posted but July is still to be made.

I have joined a new swap, The Quilty Sisters Instabee, so I need to get started on that for July as well. What was I thinking?

Then there is always the pile of dressmaking fabrics and patterns that I picked up over the last few months, with great dreams of sewing myself a summer wardrobe. Winter is probably the best time to start, right?

On the urgent list is a new dog-bed for Coco. I have bought some fabulous fabric and some poly batting, I will document the process and hopefully make a tutorial out of it!

Also rather urgent is the Candy Ripples quilt which is still laid out on the lounge room floor. I haven’t quite had the sewing energy this past week and it’s been taunting me every time I walk past!


If I get completely bored, I have to learn paper piecing too….

Well, I think that’s enough for one month’s sewing, right? So who’s coming to cook us dinner every night, because I think I’m going to be sewing 18 hours a day just to get through that list!!


 Happy Crafting - Cassie.

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8 Responses

  1. Angie @

    You and me both! I love your quilty list, but you forgot SEW-VIVOR!!!! πŸ˜‰ πŸ™‚ Can’t wait to see your finishes and the secret squirrel projects.

  2. Janine

    I think your list is achievable!! The three things I’ve crossed off mine were small things, the next is the House Block Swap, and finish some quilt tops. πŸ™‚
    What is the Quilty Sisters Instabee?? Sounds fun.
    I love the quilts you’ve made for the Retro challenge especially the one on the top left. πŸ™‚

    • Cassandra

      The Quilty Sisters is a group of Witness sisters who all quilt or sew, we are doing our own international block swap using the Modern block book. Thanks for you kind words, I hope to get at least a few finishes for the month!!

  3. Angela @ Cottage Magpie

    Oooh, I want to join in!!! Except I’ll have to make one exception. No, two exceptions. One is that I had planned to get fabric for a duvet cover for my bed that I don’t want to miss out on, and the other is that I promised shorts to all the family and I may have to buy fabric for that. But other than that, no fabric, and no quilting fabric!!! Because you know that I have a LOT of projects already cut out and ready to get done. Fun! ~Angela~