Hi there quilt-a-longers!! Hope that you are having fun with your Seabreeze Mini’s! The quilt-a-long is nearly finished, but never fear, you don’t have to finish to be a winner, you can enter a work in progress photo instead….. link up to a blog post or instagram post just a bit further down the page.
I thought I’d share with you the progress on my mini… it’s a beautiful teal dream!
After a little bit of input from my better half, this was our final choice of layout…. I love how fresh and clean it is! With all those angles and triangles, I wanted the quilting to stand out as a contrast, and maybe soften things a bit. As a personal challenge, I decided to give spiral quilting a go! If you haven’t tried it before, there are some great tutorials and hints out there. I ended up re-doing my centre spiral a couple of times and finally, after the whole thing was finished, went back and free-motion quilted it instead.
I have to admit that I was really stoked with how it turned out… after I finished knotting off and burying a mountain of threads for the final arcs. Here’s a sneak peek of the finished product… you will have to wait for the final reveal on Saturday!
I had to add a border to bump the size up enough for a European pillow cover. I thought that it deserved separate treatment, so I gave it a quilting wave – rather appropriate for a seabreeze quilt, don’t you think?
My favourite part….. quilt poetry. Your light sweet beauty embraced…..
Now it’s your turn to add your mini to the link below. Can’t wait to see it! Don’t forget to check out Gnomeangel’s blog for the big reveal and final link party on Saturday, 2nd August!
DON’T FORGET you need to sign up for my newsletter (see the funky green box that says “Signup for updates”?) before Friday if you want a cool coupon code for my new store. Just sayin’, you know 😀
Please be aware that there may be affiliate links in this content. Your support allows me to keep creating for you!
Love the fresh teal colours Cassandra. The quilting looks great too.
Thanks so much Raylee!! It was definitely worth the dizzy feeling 🙂
Amanda M
Your quilting is gorgeous! And I love the colors you used. Fantastic job! 🙂
Thanks Amanda. I love doing the quilting bit…. Planning it gets me through the more boring parts of piecing!
Love it Cass!!!
Thanks sweetie!
love your colours and the quilting is fabulous – can’t wait to see it finished !
Thanks Leanne. I’m even happier I was able to make it all using what I already had!!
I just love the quilting you chose for this quilt. Even more beautiful on a big screen as compared to when I first saw it on my phone. Truly inspiring!
Thanks so much Raquel. I’m really happy with how it turned out!
I love this so much. Green is one of my fav colours – so peaceful and pretty. You spiral quilting is amazing…perfect. looking forward to full reveal
Thanks Jo. It was totally worth the dizzy moments!
Thanks for hosting the linkup. I love your green and teal Sea Breeze mini!
Thanks Johanna! It’s such a timeless combination isn’t it!
These colours are absolutely magnificent Cassie. I’m so behind in my blog reading but I see all the quilts on Instagram, you are just gunning it girl.
Thanks Carol! I am using this combination over and over at the moment. It’s so refreshing.