Jane Austen swap package

posted in: Cross-stitch, Gifts, Inspiration, Swaps | 3


I had a wonderful time wrapping up all the different parcels to send off to my swap partner, Raeann, in Texas.

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Little pieces of sparkly goodness on every one!


Inside parcel number one, some Australian chocolate goodies, a Jane Austen themed bracelet I bought, and a linen hoop I stitched up using a pattern from Wee Little Stitches on Etsy.

Edited-2129It’s a little hard to see, but instead of knots, I used tiny pearl beads for Lizzies hair and necklace, and brass ones for Darcy’s coat. This was so much fun to stitch up and frame!

Edited-2130While I had the cross-stitch supplies out, I created this I *heart* Darcy pattern using photoshop and the Pic2Pat site, and then stitched it up. I made it into an adorable pincushion, with a little lace trim and a bow, because I couldn’t help myself. Add in some Australian tea and some beautiful feathers fabric.

I enjoyed my first swap so much, I’ve signed up for 3 more already. I’m going to be sewing up a storm next year!

What’s been your favourite swap ever to participate in?


 Happy Crafting - Cassie.

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