Can you remember a few weeks ago I posted my Number One tip for learning Free Motion Quilting? You may think that I was a bit crazy, telling you that it you needed to get away from your sewing machine to do this successfully.
I would like to share with you some links to sites and quilters that are fabulous resources for improving your skills, whether you are experienced at quilting, or just starting out.
The Inbox Jaunt – Lori Kennedy. Lori has lovely clear ideas for patterns and quilting filler designs – she shows you simple versions, and then simple ways to jazz your stitching up to make it look really special. She is also an advocate of Doodling!
Krista Withers Quilting – Krista Withers. I have long been a fan of Krista’s work, following and loving all her quilts she posts on Instagram @lolablueocean. Her blog is more of the same fabulousness, with inspiring pictures of her works in progress and a gallery of beautiful work to look through also. It would be an absolute dream of mine to take one of her classes one day.
The Free Motion Quilting Project – Leah Day. I have mentioned previously that Leah was my first ever quilting teacher, through the Craftsy website. She has an amazing resource of videos and quilting motifs on this site, if it’s not guaranteed to break a quilting mental drought, I don’t know what could!
Quilting is my therapy – Angela Walters. Angela is the rock star quilting goddess. I have lost count of how many quilts in books and magazines, from quilt market and the top fabric designers all say “Quilted by Angela Walters”. She has a fabulous blog, however I spend even longer on her Youtube channel, watching Angela work her special magic with needle and thread. You can also get instruction from Angela through Craftsy – I have purchased one of her classes and I’m looking forward to buying more. Link to Craftsy is on my sidebar.
Of course, this is just the start of my list. I follow many Pinterest boards dedicated to quilting and would strongly recommend you check that category out too.
I can’t stress enough my sincere belief that quilting is a skill that can be learnt, just like baking or flower arranging. Yes, there are some people to whom it comes more naturally than others, but with diligent practice and study, it is within the reach of any quilter.
What are your favourite resources for quilting? I’d love to hear them in the comments.
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