Grey and Yellow Quilt update…..

posted in: home, Home decor, Quilting, sewing | 8

So, time for an update on my newest quilting project. When last we saw our heroine, she was buried in Half-square triangles, trying to work out what pattern to make her lovely first quilt in…..

Chevrons were the decided pick, but DH wasn’t entirely sold on the arrangemet…. so more work was done…

And here are piles of completed 4×4 quilt blocks…. I got better at matching the corners as I went, however they don’t all bear close scrutiny. But what the heck, it’s my quilt and I’ll enjoy it a lot more than something I had bought.

Only 1 row of squares remains to be put together into blocks, then I can start putting the blocks together. The quilt is 6 by 6 blocks, so it will be a decent size.

I really only just got a move on with it as it had been decorating the lounge room floor for weeks…. we are starting to have the same visitors see it for the second time, which then gets embarassing. DS1 is having a school friend over for a music session, and they will need the floor in there. I don’t want them to have to be responsible for not treading on the squares and messing them up, when I’ve left them there for so long.

Next update, hopefully all of the top will be put together. I have several extra squares left over, not sure if I might make a cushion cover, possibly piecing them into the back of the quilt as well. I keep telling myself (as I’m unripping seams over and again) that I’m having fun! Through gritted teeth no less 😉Happy Crafting - Cassie.

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8 Responses

  1. Jenny

    I think the pattern is cute & that you picked some awesome fabric patterns. Do you mind if I steal it and do something similar in green and khaki?

    • Cassandra

      Jenny, you are more than welcome to steal my idea. It’s not even a real pattern, I found fabrics I loved, built out from there and who knows how it will turn out!?! Would love to see what you make with it 🙂

  2. knitnkwilt

    I really like your top and can’t wait to see the finished product. I’d never in a million years have thought of combining gray and yellow; they look great as you arranged them!